Dear Donna,
My girlfriend cheated on me and now she wants me back. We were together for four years and I was devastated when she told me she was in love with a coworker.
I have spent the last few months trying to get over this and was just starting to feel better.
She told me she never stopped loving me and the other guy turned out to be a jerk.
A month ago I would have taken her back in a heartbeat but I recently met someone I really enjoy and was looking forward to getting to know her better.
I am torn because I would love to believe I could have what I used to have with my ex-girlfriend but I don’t know if I can trust her again. We lived together and she wants to move back in so I have to decide quickly. Randy
Dear Randy,
No, you don’t have to decide quickly, and you shouldn’t.
At the very least you should not agree to letting her move in right away.
You should tell your ex-girlfriend that you have met someone you are interested in getting to know better and keep going in the direction you were already going. Most likely that will diminish her interest in getting back together with you.
The ball is in your court and it is not your responsibility to provide her with a place to live.
Everyone comes into your life for a reason and the lady you recently met could be there to help you move on.
Keep going forward with the new lady you are excited about because going backwards to a past relationship almost never works.
I think you will find it easier to get over your ex-girlfriend than it will be to trust her again.
Dear Donna,
I am dating a man I find very attractive except for his teeth.
Everything about him is immaculate, except for his teeth.
They are discolored and he could benefit from a couple of veneers or caps on his front two teeth.
Is there a nice way to tell him he needs to do something about his teeth? Laura
Dear Laura,
I don’t have to give the “teeth talk” as often as I did years ago because most people today are aware that nice, white teeth are a huge plus when it comes to appearance.
Both men and women notice teeth more than almost any other physical feature.
Tell him you find him attractive and you think his smile would be so much brighter if he whitened his teeth.
Many people see a difference with the strips you can buy in the grocery store but if it takes a trip to the dentist to get the desired results, it could be one of the best investments he will ever make. And I bet he will love the results!