Last week at Perfectly Matched was a very busy week and some of my new clients are:
A man, late 30’s, ABS (always been single), a doctor, his long term goal is marriage and children. This is a man who is changing medicine and making the world a better place. My children, grand children, and their children will benefit from the things he is doing, and will do in years to come. Those are my words, not his. His life experiences have bought him to a place where helping others is the only thing that makes sense. He is humble, down to earth, and not materialistic. He looks for those qualities in a lady he would like to marry, and be the mother of his children.
He works out every day, practices yoga, enjoys reading, tennis, running, kick boxing, the opera, museums, spending time with his friends, and traveling.
He said “I am extraordinarily loyal and there are only two showstoppers for me as far as a woman is concerned, infidelity, and being mean to other people.”
He is very open on his physical preferences. He said “I am open to all races, and I am not a breast, face , or butt man. I like an intelligent woman who takes care of herself, but almost anything else is negotiable.”
Towards the end of the interview, he said “Donna, I am ready to sign up for your services. I have a good feel for you, and someone we both know encouraged me when I asked him about you. I asked him if you were the real deal and if he thought you might be able to help me find the right lady and he was very positive with his response.”
He is a very compassionate, caring man, an “8” in temperament on a scale of “0” to “10”, and I believe he will make an even bigger difference in the world with the right lady by his side.
My next new client is a lady, mid 20’s, ABS, her long term goal is marriage and children. I have known her for nine years and I have really gotten to know her because, although she has a full time job, she has been a babysitter for my grandsons for nine years. She has been a part of my daughter and son-in-law’s family since their youngest was one year old and now there is a almost three year old and a almost five month old. This young lady should definitely be a mother.
I think she is a good match for a young man who recently became a client so I asked her to come in for the interview, and if they appeared to be a good match for each other, I would make a complimentary introduction. They have almost identical scores, the same long term goals, many shared interests and I think they will be mutually attracted to each other.
If the match does not work I told her I would continue to match her until we find the right man.
My daughter said “Mom, I could lose my babysitter.” But my daughter likes her as much as I do, and she wants her to find the right man too. I promised to help her find another babysitter when the time comes, and it will!
My next client is man, mid 30’s, ABS, his long term goal is marriage and children. He is self employed, makes a great income, and is ready to settle down. He was a client of mine six years ago and, although he has not met the right lady, he does have a very young child from a relationship, and he has shared custody.”
He said “I haven’t made very good choices for myself and my dad suggested I give you a call again.”
He enjoys snowboarding, hiking, camping, rafting, traveling and he is a HUGE Bronco fan.
I said “Is it a showstopper if she is not a Bronco fan?”
He said “No, I’ll convert her.”
I am pleased to have him back and I have some great matches for him…he is very tall, and good looking. I told him to tell his dad thank you for me.
My next client is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, highly educated, her long term goal is a serious, committed, long term relationship, and possibly marriage. She is self employed, has two children and such a sense of fun and energy! I thoroughly enjoyed the interview, and her quick smile and light hearted attitude. She is a “9” on a scale of “0” to “10” in temperament, extremely easy going. Which means she is very compassionate and really cares about others. However, sometimes to the point of where she puts other people’s feeling before her own, even people who don’t deserve it, and that is how she can get hurt and taken advantage of.
She said “I know that about myself now and I am going to be much more careful. See this ring, (and she took it off her finger) it is a commitment ring to myself to stay true to me.”
She is a vegetarian, an artist, a dancer, enjoys arts, and crafts, traveling, a good night’s sleep, and she is very spiritual.
Although she is highly educated, she is fond of blue collar men.
She said “Education doesn’t matter if he is smart. I like a man who works with his hands, and even if he is retired, I think a person should be doing something with their life to give back to society.”
She is open to all races, her height preference is 5’4 to 6’4, her age preference is 37 to 55, and the only deal breaker is someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
I had a match set up for her twenty minutes after she walked out my door. She is a breath of fresh air and I have some great matches for her.
On personal note, the Estate Auction on my Dad’s house will be this coming Saturday and Sunday, March 9th and 10th. It has taken many months of preparation and many hours of sorting through almost 90 years of his life, and 60 years of marriage to my Mother. They grew up during the depression and I swear they never threw away anything. There were receipts from the milkman dating back to 1940! If you want to join us for the auction the address is 695 Struthers Loop, 80921, off I25 and Baptist road. There are hundreds of clocks, hundreds of dolls, hundreds of tools, jukeboxes, lots of antiques from 33 years of military travel all over the world, and a bunch of STUFF! The hours for the auction are 10am to 5pm on Saturday, and 12pm to 5pm on Sunday. The following weekend, March 15th, my Dad will finally be buried at Arlington. He died September 3rd, but this is how long it takes to be buried at Arlington. I will be going with my grandson and both my brothers and their families will be there. These are two major events I can check off my list to get my life back to normal, the only thing left will be to sell the house..which will also be for sale at the auction. To say the house needs a little work would be an understatement, but it’s a great neighborhood, with 5.3 acres, and fabulous views, right across the highway from the Air Force Academy. At least I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.
To be continued………………….