January always starts off as a whirlwind and that has certainly been the case this year. When people make New Year’s resolutions getting fit and finding someone special are usually on the top of the list which makes January my busiest month in business for the 25th year in a roll.
I want to point out that Perfectly Matched is not about just finding a date. It is about finding a mate. By the time people come to me they are serious about finding someone special. Many of them have already tried the internet and many of them would never try the internet. The internet has become so polluted with scammers, liars and sleazy people that most people get discouraged pretty quickly. More importantly, the relationships and marriages made at Perfectly Matched have stood the test of time.
Over the holidays there were at least a dozen couples on Facebook with pictures and comments about how happy they are and how much they love their partner. I decided to go through my client base and take a look at how long some of them have been together and it was a great reminder to me of how the clients who meet through Perfectly Matched stay together in successful relationships and marriages.
One couple has been together since 1992 and in her comments she wrote “Happy birthday to my wonderful husband, lifelong soul mate and best friend. I love you honey!”
Another couple has been together since 1996. They were both in their late 30’s and wanted kids. They had a child in 1997 and 1998.
Another couple has been together since 1999. They married and blended their families, they each have two kids, and now their kids are grown and doing great.
Another couple has been together since 2000. I went to their wedding in 2001 and in the interview she said she wanted lots and lots of babies. Today they have four children.
Another couple has been together since 2001. She was a referral from the lady who met her husband in 1992. She married the man I introduced her to in 2003.
Another couple has been together since 2002 and she wrote “I am so blessed to have this wonderful man in my life and I am proud to be his wife.”
Another couple has been together since 2010 and she wrote “Merry Christmas to the love of my life.”
Another couple has been together since 2010. She became a client in 2007 and he walked through my door in 2010. She was his first and only match and they are married.
Another couple has been together since 2011 and they are married and have this precious little baby. Their pictures and comments on Facebook are so endearing.
Then there was the young couple I ran into on New Year’s Eve and they married in October. She had been a client since 2009 and he walked through my door in May of 2014. The fact that there is no time frame on my service has definitely worked to my client’s advantage now that I am in my 25th year of business. No one expects to work with me for years and most people find someone within a year but however long it takes, I don’t give up…as long as they don’t give up.
At Perfectly Matched I work one on one with all my clients. I don’t have anyone who works with me or for me and I don’t put any client information on a computer. In every interview I verify a valid driver’s license and my contract states if you have given me any false information I can cancel the membership and keep your money. So people don’t tell me they are divorced if they are not divorced. My contract also gives me permission to do a background check. I feel my talents as a Matchmaker are a big part of what makes my service more effective and keeps me in business. I do more coaching and counseling than I do matchmaking.
If you are serious about finding someone special why not start at a place where you meet serious minded people and work with a professional Matchmaker?
You can start by taking the Profile test on my website at www.perfectlymatcheddating.com or call me at 719-260-1000.
Once I meet with you I will know how many matches I have for you.
Happy New Year!