I had a phone call yesterday from a young lady who said she is 37 years old and I asked her where she heard about my service.
She said “My grandmother got married through you.”
I said “I know I have been in business a long time but not that long!”
As it turns out, her grandmother was widowed in the late 90’s and she met her second husband through Perfectly Matched.
It was fun to talk to her granddaughter after all these years. Grandma is still married and doing great.
A couple of weeks ago I had an appointment with an elderly man from Pueblo. He told me he was 80 years old and I told him I do not have much activity in his age range but he insisted on meeting with me. It made me think of an elderly lady eight years ago who also insisted on meeting with me when I told her I did not have much activity in her age range. It took two years for her “perfect match” to walk through my door and today they have been married for four years.
So I booked the appointment and he made it to Colorado Springs but he got lost. His appointment was at 11am and when I checked my voice messages that morning he had left a message at 9:15 saying he was lost and where he was, which was nowhere near downtown but he did not leave a number for me to call him back.
I got to my office at 10:30 and called him and he was already back in Pueblo. He realized that meeting ladies in Colorado Springs was not going to work for him and asked me if I had anyone in Pueblo. I told him I have one lady in Pueblo who is 74 and might be a match for him but I needed to know if they were compatible. I offered to send him my profile test to see if they were a match, at least as far as the scores are concerned, and he agreed.
Bless his heart, he took the test and sent it back with a two page hand written letter. Their scores actually are compatible but he also confessed in the letter that he is 85, not 80. I spoke with her but she was not interested because of the age difference.
In his letter he said “In a roundabout way I said I was 80, and that’s true, plus five more years added to it. I hated to tell you for fear it sounds hopeless for me.
I was married for 50 years before moving to Pueblo and everyone who knew her thought the world of her. I was shocked when she passed away five years ago and now I am a lonely man alone in Colorado. But God has blessed me with reasonably good health.
Weekends are my hardest time when I wish I could go out and eat with a nice lady, maybe even take to church somewhere.
I would like to watch TV holding hands with her but that might sound silly to you.
Anyway Donna, don’t worry too much about finding a match for me because it may be that the Good Lord prefers I remain single until I get to heaven.
But meanwhile I will keep hoping. When I was in high school I told a girl she was not fat, just nice and plump. But don’t get too carried away with the weigh because my arms aren’t real long.
If you can’t make a match for me thanks for trying. You can be proud you are helping other people happy in good relationships.
Best of luck to you.
PS. I hope I get to see you sometime while I am still around. Your husband has to be a happy man by the way you sound on the phone.”
How incredibly sweet is this man? I don’t have a match for him but if anyone knows a lady in Pueblo who might be interested in meeting this lovely man I would be happy to make a complimentary introduction. His scores reflect that he is somewhat easy going, a little shy, very traditional, a strong believer and budget minded.
The next time I go to Pueblo I am going to try and meet him.
To be continued……..