April 24, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, late 40’s, divorced, educated, grown children, and her long term goal is marriage. She has been on a couple of the online services, obviously with no success, or she would not be meeting with me. Her complaints about online services are the same as the ones I usually hear, “time consuming, ineffective, the men did not look like their pictures, they lived all over the country, etc.” She was referred to me by a current client who is very happy with the ladies I have introduced to him.

She was married very young and stayed married for almost 30 years. Since her marriage ended she had a long distance relationship that lasted about a year. It ended for the same reason most long distant relationships end, neither of them is willing, or able to move. I told her that she should date, have fun and explore her options, since her basis of comparison for men in her entire life is two. She agreed but she knows eventually she would like to be married again.

She enjoys baseball, and plays softball, hiking, dancing, football, but she more of a Rockies fan than a Bronco fan. She likes to travel and would definitely like to travel with someone special.

At the end of the interview she said she needed to “think about it”. I never hard sell so I asked her how long she needed to think about it.
She said “Two weeks.” Most people will say a couple of days, or a week.
I said “What is going to change in the two weeks you take to think about it?”
She mentioned a fellow that she has known for awhile and said she has given him some hints and indications that she was interested in him, but he has not responded.
I said “Then he’s not interested, so let’s take him off the list.”

This gives me an opportunity to comment to anyone who is giving hints, indications, or signals to someone they want to be interested in them, but they get no response…..it’s because they are not interested, at least not in the way you want them to be… so, let it go, and quit beating your head against a brick wall.

She is a very sweet lady and I have some good matches for her. I hope she will let me help her find someone who wants her as much as she wants him.

My second appointment is a lady, mid 20’s, ABS (always been single), she has a young child and her long term goal is marriage and more children. She looks like a model, and, in fact, she has modeled. Before we meet, she told me on the phone that she takes good care of herself and wants a man who also takes care of himself. When I asked her how important physical attraction is to her on a scale of “0” to “10”, she said “9” or “10”.

She is very focused for her age. We agreed that being a mom certainly inspired her to be more focused.
She said “I am here because I am very serious about finding the right man, getting married and having more children. She found me on the internet when she Googled “dating”. She also called one of the national services in Denver and when she asked them if they had clients in Colorado Springs the lady she was talking with said “Our clients are all over Colorado.”
She said “I told her I wanted to meet men in Colorado Springs and she said she could not help me. She was abrupt and rude and really turned me off. I felt like I was talking to someone in a call center.”
I said “You probably were.”

I don’t usually show pictures in the interview but when someone tells me their expectation for physical attraction is “9” or “10”, I want to see if we are on the same page because I think I have a good eye for picking levels of attraction. After I had all of her information, including a young man in this age range who is comfortable meeting someone who has a young child, I had three possibilities. In my opinion, they are all very nice looking men. She looked at their pictures and immediately said “No”.
She said “I’m sorry, I am so picky.”
I said “You can be picky because you are beautiful, but that leaves us with no options.”
She said “I really want to work with you to help me find the right man!”
I said “Let’s do this, I will write about you on my daily diary and talk about the man you want to meet and see if anyone responds.”

So, here it is….she wants to meet, marry and have children with a man who is 26 to 35, at least 5’11, Caucasian or Hispanic, a non smoker, social drinker only, kids are OK as long as he wants more, doesn’t have long hair, prefers clean shaven and is a “10” physically.
Sound like you? Call me at 260-1000, or email me. It could change your life!

To be continued………………..