April 29, 2011

My first appointment is a lady, mid 30’s, ABS, educated, and her long term goal is marriage. She said “Don’t even talk to me about a man who is not SURE he wants to be married. Not someone who says he can go either way, or he would consider it, or he is undecided. A man who knows he wants to have children.” She said the last time she expressed that to a man she dated three times he told her she was too focused on having children and he felt like he would be a “sperm donor”. Needless to say, there was no fourth date. She said “This is what I want you to tell the men you match me with: I definitely want children but, more importantly, I want to have children with the right man. If I just wanted children, I would have had them by now. And, as far as my biological tock clicking, you bet it is.” She said that was the main reason she decided to call me. She said “You can be my filter, you can save me so much time, you can help me avoid spending too much time with the wrong person.” She knows several people who have had success with my service and she is on a mission. She has accomplished almost everything she has attempted but she has always known she wanted children and she has watched it go up from the bottom of the priority list to the top and that has taken fifteen years. She is tired of wasting time. I have some great matches for her, two men in particular. She actually said some of the same things they have said to me about wanting children…”Don’t match me with someone who is not SURE they want children.” She has a great sense of humor and there was a lot of laughing in the interview. She said “I want your job!” She is an avid skier, biking, hiking, racquetball, enjoys, concerts, travel, spending time with family, is very open to try new things, and “tries to be a Bronco fan.” I know what she means.

My second appointment is a lady, late 20’s, ABS, educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She is tall and thin and beautiful. She has been reading Donna’s Daily Diary for a few months and one of the things that appeals most her about my service is that I do not show pictures when I make a match. She tried a couple of dating services online and initially she was excited about what might happen. She said “I finished putting my profile online before I left for work and when I came home I had 110 responses.” It took her hours to go through them and in the end she met three of them. She eliminated more than half because they did not live within a 100 mile radius, which she had requested. She was amazed at how many man responded that did not come close to meeting her preferences. Then she posted her profile on another online site and did not post her picture. When she returned home from work there were 12 responses and 10 of them were requesting a picture. She wants a relationship that is based on all the right things and a man who wants to be with her for all the right reasons, not just because he is physically attracted to her. I have said it before, it’s not easy being beautiful.

To be continued…………………….