August 15, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, divorced, educated, no children, and her long term goal is marriage.

She said “I ended a relationship a few months ago and I feel like I am ready to start dating again, but I know I don’t want to try the online services. First of all, I don’t want to put my picture on the internet, and I don’t want to spend my time on a computer trying to find someone.” She has a number of friends who have tried the online services, and she has heard it can be very time consuming. She has one friend who spends hours several nights a week going through her “winks”, and in five years she still has not meet a man. She has gone on plenty of coffee, lunch, and dinner dates but no one has made it past more than a few dates.

I said “The biggest complaint I hear about the internet services is how time consuming they are, and how ineffective.” She likes the idea that I do all the work and I serve as a filter to help her find the right man. She also likes the fact that after she meets a man for one hour they both call me with their feedback on the meeting.
She said “One of the most awkward parts of meeting someone new is knowing instantly that I am not interested, and trying not to hurt his feelings when he tells me he would like to get together again. I love that I can say “let’s get back to Donna” and YOU can tell him.”

Her age preference for a man is late 20’s to mid 30’s. Her last serious relationship was 10 years younger than her.
She said “I am not a cougar, I just have more in common with younger men. I snowboard, bike, hike, ski, and most men my age can’t keep up with me.”

She prefers to meet a man who does not have children.
She said “My doctor said I am totally healthy and able to have a child and I would love to raise a child with the right man. And, PLEASE don’t match me with someone who is going to tell me my biological clock is ticking and I am just looking for a sperm donor. I am not going to marry someone just to have a child, and if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, but I am still hopeful that it could happen.”

She is smart, pretty, fun loving, sweet, and very classy. Because of her preference to have a child, and to meet a man who does not have a child, I have just a few matches for her but she decided to invest in my service.
She said “It only takes one right one!”
I said “You took the words right out of my mouth.”
She said “Actually, I saw that in one of your ads, it was what inspired me to call.”
I guess it pays to advertise!

To be continued…………………………..