My first appointment today is another computer expert who is going to help me with my Perfectly Matched Facebook page, twitter, YouTube and ultimately, videos. Ten 45 second videos, maybe twenty, then you can tweet them, YouTube them, and eventually everyone in the whole wide world will see or hear them, or so it seems. I think he definitely knows what he is doing and I will be seeing something from him by Friday. He said “You will go VIRAL.” They should find another word for that. My journey on the internet express continues.
My second appointment is a man, late 40’s, divorced, educated, has children, and his long term goal is marriage. He said “I loved being married and I want to be married again.” I worked with him many years ago and he met his wife through Perfectly Matched. He asked me if other clients had divorced and come back to my service. I said “Yes, some of them married someone they met on their own and I think you are the second, or third person to be divorced from an introduction through Perfectly Matched.” He tried the online dating and was very disappointed with how many ladies misrepresented themselves and how many of them did not have jobs. I told him the ladies say the same thing about the men. He said “One of the reason I decided to work with you again is because I met some great, quality ladies the last time.” His affection score is an “8”, on a scale of “0” to “10” and he agreed that finding an affectionate lady is very important to him. He enjoys travel, dining out, spending time with his children and their sports, and sporting events…Bronco’s, CC hockey, the Avs. He is physically fit, works out regularly, and he appreciates a lady who takes care of herself and likes to exercise. He said “I want to be married one more time to the right lady and be happy together for the rest of our lives.” I have plenty of matches for him but he is not interested in exploring his options. If I can match him with the right lady the first match, that would be great. Because I have so many matches for him I am going to do my best to see if I can make that happen. Be careful what you ask for.
I am going to go back on my Facebook page now and see if I missed anything in the last hour.
To be continued………………………