August 3, 2012

My first appointment yesterday is a man, late 30’s, highly educated, retired from a 20 year military career, new to Colorado Springs, his long term goal is marriage and he prefers to have the option to have children. He moved to Colorado Springs because he trained some soldiers at Ft Carson in the 90’s, and always had it in his mind to live here when he retired. He does not know anyone in Colorado Springs. As I listened to all he has done in the last 20 years, it does not seem possible that he is not even 40 years old.

He said “This is the start of my life, everything before this was a test.” He comes from a highly educated family of over achievers and feels like he still needs to make his mark in this world.
I said “Seriously, you served your country for 20 years as an infantry man, a gunnery Sergeant, a special operations officer, provided security for presidents and ambassadors, you have done thousands of hours of volunteer work along the way, and you feel you have yet to make your mark on this world? What do you plan to do next?”
He said “I am not sure. I think I might go back to school and get a law degree. I want to enjoy life, start living for today. I feel like I have taken my life for granted and, in the past, I was very stuck on myself. I had to be the best in sports, I had to be with the prettiest girl, I had to have the best of everything. Now, I would love to find the right lady, settle down, have a kid, or two, and focus on what really matters; love, family, honor, integrity, loyalty, giving back and helping others. I want to live a life of tranquility and peace.”

He wanted to know if I thought the fact that he does not have a job yet would deter ladies from wanting to meet him.
I said “When did you retire?”
He said “April, but I established residency in Colorado Springs in March.”
I said “What a slacker you are! You finished a 20 year career three months ago and you don’t have a job yet!” He laughed and agreed he would like to take some time to do some fun things for a couple of months.
I said “What do you want to do?”
He said “I would love to have someone to go to California with and ride the coastline up highway 101. I love food and finding new eateries, the little gems you have to really look to find.”

This morning he dropped off his “Ideal Relationship” and “Special Moments”..this is a form I give my clients to take home and do in the right frame of mind, and it is information I share with whomever I match him with.

This is his Ideal Relationship:

“Ideal”, Merriam-Webster defines this as an archetypal idea or mental fantasy/imagine. And “relationship” is defined as the state of being related or ability to combine binding participants. Having said that, my opinion for ideal would be for both of us to grow by building a strong foundation. It will be able to withstand and hold up the amazing monument of our endeavors, including past, present and future. With a great base (foundation), there will not be anything in the world that can collapse our tower. The basis of our foundation is yet to be discovered at this moment. This is a task (mission) that is impossible for just me to build. So let’s roll up our sleeves and be ourselves, because everyone else is taken. A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. To sum it up, “IDEAL” = SIMPLIFICATION.

These are his Special Moments:

I used to believe that high points of my life were measured by wealth and what society viewed as success (monetary goods and currency). A great man once said, “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” Therefore, the only points that really mattered to me are as follows:
1) The loving hug from my mother.
2) Observing mother nature in the “raw”.
3) The taste of fresh air.
4) The gentle touch on my face from nature’s breath.
These are just a few. I do not want to miss “life”.

I look forward to helping him find the lady who will share his ideal relationship and future special moments. This was undoubtedly one of my favorite interviews, ever!

To be continued…………………………