August 7, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 60’s, divorced, retired, and her long term goal is a serious, committed relationship, probably not marriage. She was married for almost 40 years and she is enjoying being single again. She recently moved to Colorado Springs, leaving a state where she had resided for 40 years.

She said “I have some long time friends who moved here a few years ago and I have visited them about a dozen times. I fell in love with Colorado, the weather, and the people.” She purchased a home near her friends and she is busy doing some remodeling. She is very excited to be starting this new chapter of her life, and looking forward to dating.

When I asked her age in the initial phone conversation she said “I don’t think, look, dress, or act my age. I keep fit, take care of myself, and I prefer a man who takes care of himself.” I told her I am the same age as her and I know exactly how she feels. Older women are getting just as picky as older men have always been. It was bound to happen.

She wants to meet a man who has the time and money to travel. She has been to Europe, Holland, Tahiti, on a few cruises, and many trips to Hawaii. She practices Pilates, loves hockey, and is very open to trying new interest and activities that someone else might want to share. She is a “9” in temperament, on a scale of “0” to “10”, you can’t get much more easy going. She is open on age, height, race, and is basically looking to have fun, make new friends, explore more of Colorado, and finding the love of her life would be the icing on the cake!

My second appointment today is a man, mid 30’s, divorced, no kids, his long term goal is definitely marriage and children. He is also new to Colorado Springs and was inspired to move here, in part, because he is an avid biker. He used to do semi-pro racing, and still enjoys riding several times a week. He enjoys pushing himself and he can ride 25 miles in an hour and a half. He loves to camp and hike, take two or three day long hikes, and snowboarding. He also loves the theater, and has done some community theater. He trained with a dance studio, and would love to take ballroom dancing lessons with a lady.

He is from the south and has a definite southern accent.
He said “Do you think my accent will turn ladies off? People here comment on it all the time.”
I said “I personally love a southern accent, but I am from the south. My experience has been that most men love a lady with a southern accent. I have not really worked with too many men who have a southern accent, but I will tell them about your accent before you call them.”
He said “That’s probably a good idea.”
Honestly, I think it sounds totally charming, which he is.

He married very young and has not dated since he was 16 years old. His ex-wife was his high school sweetheart.
He said “I know it sounds cliché, but we basically grew apart. I come from a very close knit family and I know what a good marriage is, my parents are great examples. I come from a home where a hug could fix anything, and, if it didn’t, you were going to get one anyways.”

I think he is going to be a terrific husband and father, and I am very excited that I get to help him find the right lady!

To be continued…….