February 15, 2011

My first appointment Thursday is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, has grade school kids, educated, has a great job and her long term long is marriage. She is very successful in her career but, so far, not her personal life. She has been the primary bread winner in all of her relationships and she would welcome a man who would be a compatible partner financially. Her interests include fishing, camping, road trips, bowling, and she is an avid reader. The father of her children is not in the picture but she has her parents, a sister and friends who are all supportive. She has waited almost six years to start dating again and now feels like the right time.

My second appointment on Thursday is a lady, early 50’s, divorced, successful, smart, funny and very entertaining. It has been months since I have interviewed a “cougar”. Her most recent significant relationship lasted two years and he is 15 years younger than her. A friend introduced her to a man she thought could be a good match for her and he is 54. She said “I could not believe he was only 54, he looked 69! He had no energy, no sense of humor, no sex appeal but he was very nicely dressed.” She prefers to meet men 40 to 52, a YOUNG 52. She wants to have intimacy in a relationship for as long as she lives. She said “And I don’t mean cuddling and snuggling. I mean real, honest to goodness, get naked and have sex, even when I am 80.” Suddenly the word “cougar” had a whole new feel to it. I really like this lady but I have no matches for her. She has other preferences and requirements which eliminate almost any man. Any time someone limits themselves with odd, unrealistic expectations I have to question how much they truly want someone in their lives. Besides, “If I never find a man, I still have my cats.” Eight cats.

I booked no appointments on Fridays so I could catch up on my matching.

My first appointment on Saturday is a lady, late 40’s, divorced after a very long term marriage and her long term goal is marriage. Her daughter joined her for the interview. I always ask who choose to end the marriage and the daughter responded “I did!” They both laughed but the reality is, without her daughter’s support and help, she would probably still be married. She loves music and football and is a huge Bronco fan. She said “Since my divorce I do something every month out of the ordinary.” I said “Like what?” She said “I did karaoke last month and that is something I NEVER thought I could do.” She said “A sense of humor is really important because I can be kind of a smart ass.” I said “I will match you with another smart ass.” She is very young looking for her age in spite of her salt and pepper hair. She said “Do you think I should color my hair.” I said “Your hair is very pretty but my experience has been that most men do not find gray or salt and pepper hair appealing.” She is a new client and I look forward to helping her do something she has not done for 30 years…date.

My second appointment on Saturday is a “be back”, a man I interviewed last August. He has been meeting ladies from the internet and kept a tally on how much he has spent in the last six months, including what he paid to participate in two online services. Counting breakfasts, lunches, dinners, coffees and a taxi for the last lady who drank four margaritas in two hours, he has spent $2,480.37. Perfectly Matched does not seem so expensive after all.

To be continued……………………..