My first appointment today is a man, mid 50’s, divorced, educated, grown children, a realtor, and his long term goal is marriage. He has been divorced for over ten years and he is just now starting to date. He raised his children when his marriage ended and he said something I more often hear from women, “I decided to make my kids my first priority and put my personal life on hold until they were successfully launched.” He briefly tried dating when he was first divorced but quickly decided it was going to complicate his life too much. He said “Between work and kids my life was busy and full and the years went by so quickly I did not have time to even think about having a lady in my life.” He has been an empty nester for almost a year and his daughter created a Facebook page for him so they could all stay connected. An old friend from college connected with him on Facebook and they met a few months ago. She lives in another state and after a half a dozen times of flying back and forth he ended it. She was ready to pack up and move to Colorado and he knew he was not ready for that to happen. He tried one of the online services but did not feel comfortable posting his picture and most of the ladies wanted to see a picture. He heard my radio commercial that starts with “Remember what it felt like to meet someone new and know INSTANTLY there was a chemistry and attraction? Then remember what it felt like to sit across from them in divorce court with NO chemistry and attraction?” He went to my website then called me. He said “I have the time and desire to date but I don’t know where to go to meet quality ladies. I said “You do now, let me help you.” I had him matched an hour after he walked out my door.
My second appointment cancelled ten minutes before her appointment. I knew she was not a good candidate for my service and tried to discourage her but she convinced me to meet with her. She is not a good candidate because she is in her mid 20’s, always been single, but has two children under a year and a half old. I asked her when her last serious relationship was and she said “Three years ago.” Her children have different fathers and she does not consider either of the fathers to have been a serious relationship. I told her the price and she said “I can make payments.” I was not surprised when she cancelled.
Another match that seemed to have potential has bit the dust because of texting. This couple has been on four dates in three weeks. He sent her a text that she thought was inappropriate and he swears he was just joking and can’t believe she is going to quit seeing him. Her ex husband used to say things that upset her then he would say “I’m just joking.” If she had heard his tone of voice, or had the opportunity to respond, she might have known he was joking. Instead, she deleted the text, then she deleted him. Call, don’t text, especially when you are just beginning to get to know someone.
I have three appointments tomorrow, a man in his late 20’s, a lady in her mid 60’s and a man in his late 40’s. It will be an interesting day.
To be continued…….