My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, educated, self employed, divorced, and her long term goal is marriage.
She said “Our divorce was about as amicable as any divorce could possibly be. My ex-husband is a great father and has 50% custody. I have dated a couple of men who were uncomfortable with how well I get along with my ex, and that won’t work for me.”
They have raised their kids to be independent thinkers and, although they are in grade school, they have definite opinions and she would want a man in her life to respect their opinions and not try to stifle them.
She loves gardening, yard work, and her home is her haven. She enjoys playing golf with “lovable coaching”, downhill skiing and traveling, especially to tropical places, and she runs 5 and 10Ks. She also enjoys the opera, the ballet, and occasional concerts.
She wants a few days to think about whether or not she wants to become and client and she will get back to me next week.
My second appointment is a man I interviewed last Saturday who also wanted a couple of days to “think about it”.
He is early 50’s, divorced, highly educated, self employed, his long term goal is a serious, monogamous, relationship and probably not marriage.
He is very proud of his two children in college.
He is an avid golfer, plays soccer, downhill skis, runs, lifts weights, snowshoes, enjoys music and concerts, especially classic rock and country and western. He has been to France, England, Switzerland, and plans to continue to travel internationally.
He is very budget minded, a “3” on a scale of “0” to “10”.
He said “I buy the least expensive of the good stuff.”
He is very fit and trim and he wants to meet a lady who is also fit and trim.
He said “I am not into big breasts. I like a nice tight butt, and nice legs.”
He had interviewed with a dating service in Denver that was much more expensive than my service and he sent me a couple of emails after the interview on Saturday asking more questions. I emailed him back and said “If you decide to work with me, you will have exactly what you said you look for, “The least expensive of the good stuff.”
He is a great guy, smart, funny, good looking, successful, direct, straight forward, opinionated, nonconforming, and shares his feeling easily.
I already had two matches arranged for him when he came back to sign up today.
To be continued……………………