I spent all day Friday matching because I was planning to take Saturday off to visit my daughter and her family in Carbondale. My daughter called Friday at 5pm and said they were expecting a big storm and she did not think I would get out on Monday. In the 12 years I have been going back and forth to Carbondale, all times of the year, this is the first time she has called to suggest I cancel my trip. I made 16 matches on Friday which means 32 people who would otherwise probably never have met, will meet. The holidays are here now, things start getting a little crazy.
One of the things I love most about my job is all the different people I work with and all the friendships I have formed with many of them over the years. Last night my dear girlfriend and I invited one of my clients to join us for happy hour. I have written about him before in my daily diaries. He is 34, ABS, very tall, very successful, very shy, very smart, sweet but no wimp and he is the one I said I would match with one of my daughters if they weren’t both happily married. I have now matched him with six ladies and he has evolved when it comes to dating. However, he is still available and thinks he must be doing something wrong. I keep assuring him that, not only is he not doing anything wrong, he is one of the most open minded, flexible, unassuming, polite, thoughtful people I have ever known and all he needs to do is be himself. He still feels he must be doing something wrong. I said “OK, come meet with me and my good friend, Yvonne, and we will see if there is something you could do to improve your social skills.” We all met at the Famous at 5pm and we parted at 10pm. I have not had so much fun or laughed so hard in a long, long time. Shortly after introducing the two of them she said “You are a gorgeous man.” He said “What? No.” She said “Just say thank you when someone pays you a compliment.” I said “OK, dating 101, she just gave you a great tool, when someone pays you a compliment, just say “thank you.” By the end of the evening he was in love with Yvonne although she is 20 years older than him. He was a great sport and I am more convinced than ever of how much he has to offer to a relationship with the right lady.
Just before I went out last night I came home to change clothes and my neighbor walked out her door and said “Donna, are you missing a bird?” I said “I AM, do you have him?” She said “He is on my patio but he’s dead.” I could not believe it. That tiny little parakeet, who had not been out of his cage much in four years, who flew off into the wild blue yonder the day before somehow found his way back and was only one patio away from being home. I scooped him up in a towel and took him home. He did not have a scratch on him so I think he died from the cold. Yvonne and I buried him today in my special place for my deceased pets, two parakeets, one frog, one fish, and one canary. It’s a small grave yard but Pete definitely earned his place. I took my camera and asked Yvonne to take a picture of me with my little grave yard. I said “You are the first person who has come up here with me to bury a pet so this is the first time I have been able to take a picture.” She is a true friend, parties with me to help out a client one night, and helps me bury my bird the next day.
To be continued………………..