I had no appointments yesterday or today which is not unusual for a holiday week. It still does not seem like the holidays without any snow! I have lived here 33 years and I cannot recall any year where we did not have snow by Thanksgiving.
I am in an emotional business and this time of year the emotions are all over the place. When you consider that everyone I work with is single and looking to meet someone special that means everyone I am actively working with does not have a special someone to share the holidays. One of my favorite clients, who is also a very funny guy, left me a message today “Donna, the holidays are here and I am still alone. I hold you personally responsible and the only way you can make it up to me is to find me a match before Christmas or you’re fired.” Then he laughs and said “I’ll make it easy for you. I understand Tiger Wood’s ex wife is still available and I am sure I am her perfect match, you need to call her for me.” I appreciate his light heartedness, which is a much better way to cope than being upset or sad about it. Of course, I also like to mention all the couples who DO have someone special in their lives because they participated in Perfectly Matched. Over 700 clients have married and there are probably as many in long term relatioinships who do not choose to marry and there are still those who might fall in love before Christmas! I received my first Christmas card from former clients today and there is a beautiful picture of them with their four kids. I matched them in 1995 and they still send me a Christmas card every year.
I asked most the people I spoke with today what they are doing for Thanksgiving and a couple of them asked me what I was doing. I am picking up my Dad at 12:30 and we are going to my ex husband’s home for Thanksgiving dinner with my ex husband, daughter, son-in-law and two grandsons. One of the ladies I shared my plans with said “I could never imagine sharing a holiday with my kids at my ex husband home.” She has only been divorced for two years. I said “This didn’t happen overnight, it takes time, and I have now been divorced as long as I was married, 22 years. We share two daughters and four grandsons and it was when the grandsons started arriving ten years ago that Herb, my ex husband, and I started seeing more of each other. Gradually we got to a place where we are totally comfortable, enjoy each others’ company, and genuinely like each other again. He still does my sister and my dad’s taxes.” She said “It will NEVER happen for us, I can’t stand him.” I said “Time heals all wounds.” She said “Trust me, Donna, it will NEVER happen.” If you think it won’t, it won’t!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone and a reminder to focus on the positive this holiday season and do whatever you can to make it more joyful for yourself and everyone else!
To be continued…………