November 28, 2011

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed time with their family and friends. For the last couple of years it seems as though most people take off the entire week instead of just a few days. I enjoyed two Thanksgiving dinners this year, one with friends, and the other at my ex-husband’s home with family. Yesterday my grandson, Jacob, and I continued our tradition of picking out my Christmas tree and taking it home to decorate. We started this tradition seven years ago and it has always been just the two of us. Yesterday I suggested we include his baby brother, one and a half years old, and he said “Grandma, he’s too young, let’s wait until next year.” I agreed but I wonder what he will say next year.

Things will typically slow down at Perfectly Matched this time of year because of the holidays. However, January is always my busiest month in business because people make New Year’s resolutions and at the top of their list is very often wanting to find someone special to share their life. This time last year, for the first time, I offered 50% off all my programs until my last day in the office for the year. Instead of sitting around like the Maytag repair man for the next three weeks, and because many of my clients are still interested in meeting someone during the holidays, I am going to make the same offer this year. Between now and December 17th I am offering 50% off all my programs. Get a head start on the new year and start meeting some quality, compatible people hand selected just for you by a Matchmaker with a proven track record and 25 years of experience. It could be the best Christmas present you ever buy yourself!

To be continued……..