September 23, 2011

My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, ABS, educated, a teacher, and her long term goal is marriage. This young lady works for a charter school and in addition to being a teacher, she is a coach. Her day starts at 7am and ends at 5pm, except for Thursdays and Saturdays when they have games, and her day can end at 7, or 8, or later if she ends up taking some kids home. I have mentioned many times that my largest group of professional women are teachers, and while they are in a position to effect one of the most important groups of our society, our kids, they make the least amount of money for the time and effort they put into their jobs. I am thoroughly convinced that teachers become teachers because they love kids, they certainly don’t do it for the money. I asked her if she wanted children of her own and she said “I think I am too old to have kids but I would consider adoption, or I am fine with meeting a man who has kids.” She considers herself to be a tomboy and enjoys riding ATV’s, loves to camp, plays on a volleyball league, has a Harley and grew up with motorcycles. She also enjoys hiking, basketball, mountain climbing, softball, hockey, sporting events, movies, theater, reading, dancing, concerts and travel. She said “You probably shouldn’t match me with a man who is looking for a girly girl. I can dress up when I have to but I am most comfortable in jeans and tennis shoes.” When I asked her the type of man she is attracted to physically she said “ Someone who has a great smile and kindness in their eyes. Someone who has a really good heart and a really nice butt.” She is as sweet as she can be, an “8” in temperament on a scale of “0” to “10”, and I have matches for her who will love that she can ride motorcycles, loves to camp, climb mountains, play basketball, ride ATV’s, go to hockey and AFA games and cuddle up at the end of the day without being a “girly girl’. Hopefully, he will have a really nice butt.

I have two “be backs” tomorrow (people I have already interviewed who have decided now is the right time to join Perfectly Matched). One of them is the young lady I mentioned last week who wanted to “think about it” for a few days, and another is a young man I interviewed last March. FYI, I NEVER discard any information on people I have interviewed even if they come back 16 years later, which is the case with a man I talked to today. I still have their information on file. The man I interviewed in March wants to take the profile test again to see if his scores have changed because he was just out of his marriage a few months at that time and thinks his scores could be different today. I will certainly retest him because all my matches start with the “scores” but I would be willing to bet the scores will not change much, they rarely do. It will be interesting, however, to see if the scores of the man I interviewed 16 years ago have changed. It is not every day I get to retest someone after 16 years.

To be continued…………………