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January 6, 2013

The holidays are finally over, the kids go back to school tomorrow. It’s not really over until the kids go back to school, and most of them had three week vacations. I think two weeks of Christmas is plenty.

December 29, 2012

My first appointment this week is a man, late 50’s, highly educated, divorced, grown children, and his long term goal is “absolutely” to be married. He was married for over 30 years, he is a strong believer, and marriage is the only long term option with the right person.

December 25, 2012

My first column ran in the Gazette today. I love that the first one is on Christmas Eve. You can check it out at

December 20, 2012

Five days before Christmas and things are becoming quiet at Perfectly Matched. This is my 22nd holiday season so the pattern is very predictable. By December 19th most of my clients will wait until after the first of the year to meet someone new. The holidays can be all consuming from this point until New Years. January is usually my busiest month in business because people make New Year’s resolutions to do something about their personal life.

December 17, 2012

Last week was a very busy week at Perfectly Matched. Here are the profiles of a couple of my new clients: A lady, late 40’s, divorced, educated and just beginning to date after a long term marriage has ended. She has tried a couple of the online services but she became frustrated with the men who responded to her profile.

December 10, 2012

I am so excited to share a link with you to my new column in the Gazette, “Dear Donna”. It will be featured every other Monday and it will be interactive with people emailing me their questions about dating, love and romance.

December 7, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, late 40’s, educated, divorced, and her long term goal is marriage. She saw my ad one day and ran into a stranger at a social function the next and ended up in a conversation about the fact that they both had just both spoken to me about Perfectly Matched. The other lady was a referral from Marsha, who married Jay in 1997, and has sent me more referral business than anyone else.

December 5, 2012

I have had some fun interviews the last couple of days: A lady, mid 50’s, educated, divorced, grown children, and her long term goal is marriage. She is an “8.5”, on a scale of “0” to “10” in religion. She is a “7” in conformity. Which means she is very traditional and a strong believer. And, she is hot! She looks ten years younger than her age, she is in great shape, has long, flowing hair, and, therefore, attracts younger men. And, for the most part, younger men who are not interested in going to church.