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February 6, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, mid 50’s, highly educated, divorced, his long term goal is marriage, and he is very open to having children. This is a man who always thought he would be a father, and although he understands that possibility may have passed him by, he would welcome the opportunity to still have that option. As a matchmaker, I often interview people who make me think “this person should be a parent”, and he definitely falls into that category.

February 2, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, mid 60’s, highly educated, widowed, retired, and his long term goal is a serious, committed, monogamous, long term relationship.

January 29, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, early 50’s, divorced, and her long term goal is marriage. Her scores tell me she is easy going, shy, traditional, romantic, a strong believer and budget minded. She married young, has grown children and grandchildren. She is absolutely beautiful and no one would ever guess she is a grandmother.

January 24, 2013

Great way to start my day, had a chat with another couple who married through my service. I called to touch base because I haven’t heard from them for awhile, and discovered they got married.

January 21, 2013

I had some very interesting interviews at Perfectly Matched last week which included; A man, late 50’s, divorced, highly educated, self employed, and his long term goal his marriage. He is tall, fit, active, handsome, and open to all races. He is a strong believer and wants to meet a lady who shares his faith.

January 12, 2013

My first appointment today is a “be back”, a lady I interviewed three months ago. She is mid 30’s, ABS (always been single), educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She was engaged, and in a three year relationship that ended a year ago.

January 11, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, late 50’s, divorced, educated, grown kids, self employed, and his long term goal is a serious relationship, probably not marriage. He said “Marriage at this stage in life is just too complicated. Never say never, but I have found that most of the women I have met and dated don’t seem to have a problem with that. Do you think it will be a problem?”

January 10, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, mid 40’s, divorced, and his long term goal is definitely to be married. He married young and his two children are already on their own and in college. He is an empty nester for the first time and feels now it is his turn to make himself a priority.