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July 19, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 30’s, ABS (always been single), highly educated, her long term goal is marriage and she would like to have a child, or children.

July 15, 2012

Donna’s Daily Dairy has been MIA for the last week because I have been in the clouds. I woke up to a black screen on my computer a few days ago, not a good way to start the day. Fortunately, I had my computer backed up by Mozy and a friend was able to help me retrieve everything that was on my old computer. I did not know that information was being stored on a cloud. I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about what happens when you have to download backup info from a cloud. I certainly could not have done it without the help of Dave, who spent two hours helping me on Thursday and five hours on Friday. Thank you, Dave!!!

July 7, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, early 50’s, divorced, educated, grown children, self employed, and his long term goal is definitely to be married again. I said “It’s nice to hear someone be so positive about the fact that they want to be married again. Many people I interview, especially in this age range, are ambivalent about marriage, or, in fact, say they definitely do NOT want to be married again.”

July 6, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 50’s, divorced, highly educated, grown children, her long term goal is a serious relationship, she would consider marriage, and she would consider living with someone.

July 4,2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 30’s, ABS, always been single, his long term goal is marriage and children. What an interesting fellow! His last relationship was with a lady who had children. He was so connected to her children, and although the relationship ended, it made him realize how much he wants to have children. He really has a heart for children. He coached a soccer team for young boys and he said they were always talking about girls and wanting to know what he knew about “GIRLS”.

July 3, 2012

Great news this morning on the Waldo Canyon Fire, 70% contained and the city is 100% contained! They moved the date for total containment up from July 16th to July 12th! Glory Hallelujah!!!!!

June 29, 2012

My first appointment today is a “be back”, a man I interviewed in May. He is mid 50’s, divorced, has grown kids, his long term goal is a serious relationship, not marriage. He is a good looking, tall, Hispanic man and he would love to meet a Hispanic lady.

June 28, 2012

I watched the fire start Saturday from my patio at the end of Garden of the Gods and 30th at 12:20pm. Over the course of the next six hours I watched the smoke grow higher, thicker, faster. I knew this was going to be bad, but I could never have imagined how bad.

June 27, 2012

Never in a million years would I think I would be making a post like this tonight. The fire started on Saturday, around noon. It is now 12:37am Wednesday morning and life, as I have known it, will never be the same again. Colorado Springs is burning relentlessly and uncontrollably. At 4pm everything exploded and everything west of I25 started to burn.