Donna Shuegrue

Donna Shuegrue

March 27, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 30’s, highly educated, ABS (always been single), and her long term goal is marriage. She has a young child and she is not interested in having anymore children, but she is very comfortable meeting a man who has childre

March 23, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, ABS (always been single), her long term goal is marriage and children. She had her best friend join her for the interview because the idea of a dating service made her very nervous.

March 20, 2013

My first appointment today is a “be back”, a man I interviewed last week. He is early 40’s, ABS (always been single), highly educated, his long term goal is marriage, and he can go either way so far as having children.

March 17, 2013

I have spent the last four days in Washington with my brothers and our families to bury our parents at Arlington National Cemetery on Friday. We were all humbled by how our country honored our father and our mother. Colonel Jack D. Young and his wife, Virginia Marie Young, now rest in peace together, forever.

March 6, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, late 20’s, ABS, educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. Interesting interview. It is hard to believe that I would think of a lady who is not even 30 as a “cougar”, but her last relationship was with a man nine years younger than her.

February 22, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, early 40s, divorced, and his long term goal is marriage. He had to reschedule his appointment with me three times. He said “I should tell you, I work 24/7 everyday.”