Donna Shuegrue

Donna Shuegrue

January 31, 2012

My first appointment today is a client coming in to reconnect and let me take a new picture. He has been on a weight lifting and diet program to help gain weight and build muscle. He has put on 20 pounds in the last three months. What a difference it makes in his appearance. He looks great! Woman are always more comfortable with men who are bigger, and he will now have more options as far as matches are concerned. This fellow is a real go getter and succeeds in everything he sets his mind to do. The program he is on does not sound easy, but he is sticking with it and the results are amazing.

January 25,2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 20’s, ABS, educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She said “I have sisters who are married and they both have kids. I feel like life is speeding by and I don’t want to miss my opportunity to have kids.” She had two long term relationships and they both began with her feeling they could be the father of her children. They both ended with her being sure they would not be the father of her children. After three years in her last relationship he confessed that he did not want to be a father.

January 21, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, highly educated, grown children, her long term goal is a serious, committed relationship and possibly marriage. I really enjoyed the interview with her. She is very grounded and centered and comfortable with herself. She is also very focused and sure of the type of man she would like to meet.

January 17, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, highly educated, grown children, and her long term goal is marriage. She is smart, smart, smart. She married very young and had her children in her early 20’s. She decided to go to college and a few years and a couple of degrees later she found the courage to leave an abusive marriage. Her next marriage was to a very nice man, but after 20 years and a couple of more degrees she found herself unfulfilled with a man who had no ambition. I understand how important intellectual compatibility is, and although that is not necessarily connected to a level of education, it is important to be intellectually stimulated, especially if you are highly intellectual.

January 13, 2012

This is another one of those times where this has nothing to do with matchmaking, but everything to do with life and this is an update on my sister, Dolly, who is struggling for her life and has been in the hospital for three weeks and two days.

January 4, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 30’s, ABS, self employed with a very successful business, his long term goal is marriage and he can go either way as far as having children.

January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! I enjoy the holidays but it is always fun for me when they are over. January is almost always my busiest month in business because “doing something about my personal life”

December 22, 2011

My first appointment today is a lady 50, divorced, educated, shared custody of two children, her long term goal is a serious, committed relationship and she would consider marriage.