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June 4, 2013

I have many sayings in this business, but the one that is most true is “The ones that start fast, end fast.” If you have dated at all, it has probably happened to you. You meet someone, you are very attracted to them, you like what you hear, and they make you feel special. You can’t wait to see them again, you think about them when you aren’t with them, and it all feels a little scary. You are flattered because they seem to feel the same way about you. They become your number one priority and you do whatever it takes to spend more time with them. Then, as fast as it started, it ends.

June 1, 2013

My first appointment on Friday is a man, early 40’s, separated for two years and his divorce will be final in a few weeks. He is a military officer and after he returned from his last deployment his wife told him she wanted a divorce. He will be getting out of the military by the end of the year.

May 30, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, late 50’s, educated, widowed, and semi retired. His long term goal is to find the next love of his life, and that may or may not include marriage.

May 29, 2013

My first appointment today is a man, mid 40’s, divorced, educated, two kids in college, his long term goal is a monogamous, long term relationship and possibly marriage. His last serious relationship ended a year ago.

May 25, 2013

This Memorial Day weekend I would like to honor this young soldier who is a client at Perfectly Matched. He is only 27 years old and last month he was deployed for the fourth time. One of the things I ask my clients to do is to write in their own words what an ideal relationship would be for them, and also write about some special moments in their life. This is his Ideal Relationship and Special Moments that he wrote a few months ago.

May 22, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 20’s, ABS (always been single), educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She said “I am exhausted from trying online dating. I was spending hours going through all the men who responded to my profile and then I spent hours meeting men who were not even close to good matches for me.”

May 20, 2013

The first thing I saw when I clicked on my computer this morning was a picture of a couple I matched, holding a sign, standing in front of the beautiful flowers at Bellagio and the sign said “JUST MARRIED!!!!” I knew they were getting married, and that is always a thrill for me, but this couple especially so. I have known her for four years and she fell in love with the second man I matched her with in 2009. He died unexpectedly after they had been together almost a year.

May 17, 2013

My first appointment today is a lady, early 30’s, ABS (always been single), highly educated, her long term goal is marriage and probably children. She is new to Colorado Springs and plans to stay here. She is tall, fit, Caribbean American, and beautiful.