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March 21, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, mid 50’s, divorced, educated, grown children, self employed, his long term goal is a serious relationship, and possibly marriage. He had one relationship since his marriage ended.

March 17, 2012

I did not book any appointments today because the St. Patrick’s Day parade blocks off all the streets around my office and for someone to try to find a parking place would be difficult. Besides, I like to attend the parade. I met my daughter and two grandsons in front of the Ritz and I don’t believe I have ever seen downtown so crowded for a parade. Everyone was probably expecting the warm, sunny weather we have enjoyed for the previous few days and, while it was not as warm or sunny and even looked like it might rain, the temperature was warm enough and it did not rain. Everyone seem to be enjoying themselves, especially the kiddos.

March 15, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, 50, divorced, grown children and her long term goal is absolutely to be married. She is new to Colorado Springs and was referred to me by a good friend of mine. My friend said “Donna, this lady is beautiful and single and I told her she must meet you.”

March 14, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, mid 40’s, ABS (always been single), his long term goal is marriage and children. His sister referred him to me. She Google dating services in Colorado springs, and by process of elimination, mine being the only one with any longevity, she sent him to my website.

March 10, 2012

My first appointment today is a “be back”, a man I interviewed a month ago. He is mid 60’s, divorced, highly educated, grown children, his long term goal is a serious relationship and he is open to marriage, if necessary. He thinks three decades of being married might be enough for this lifetime but “never say never.”

March 8, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 30’s, divorced, educated, his long term goal is marriage and children. His is a story I have heard many times. His marriage ended because he wanted children and she decided she did not want children.

March 6, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, early 50’s, divorced, grown children, retired from the military, and his long term goal is marriage. Like so many retired military people I worked with in Colorado Springs, he is in his second career working for a government contractor. He has been divorced for just a few months and he is excited about dating and meeting some new ladies.

March 2, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, divorced, educated, her long term goal is marriage, and she is open to having a child. She said “I realize my window of opportunity for having a child is getting smaller, but my doctor said I am fit and healthy and certainly able to still have children.”

February 29, 2012

My first appointment today is a “be back”, a man I interviewed a year ago. He is mid 30’s, ABS, highly educated, a retired military officer, financially secure, his long term goal is marriage and children. When I met with him a year ago he was in between contracts and unsure of whether or not he was going to stay in Colorado Springs. Now he has bought a home, has a job he enjoys, and plans to stay here. He would love to raise his children here.