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December 1, 2012

My last three new clients this week are all men! Mid 40’s, mid 50’s and mid 60’s. The fellow who is in his mid 40’s is divorced, self employed, has one grown child, and his long term goal is a serious relationship, possibly marriage. He said “I would prefer to work out a financial settlement should the relationship not last, as opposed to marriage.” He believes marriage is ultimately about a financial arrangement whether you stay married or get divorced.

November 29, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, late 30’s, divorced, educated, she has one grade school child, and her long term goal is to be married and raise more children. She cannot have any more children of her own but she is open to raising someone else’s children, or adoption.

November 28, 2012

It is hard to believe Thanksgiving was a week ago tomorrow and Christmas will be here in less than a month. I returned from visiting my daughter and her family on Saturday and I woke up in the middle of the night with “something”..a cold, an allergy attack, the flu, I wasn’t sure but I knew it wasn’t good. Four days later it appears to have been just a cold. I drank a ton of water and got a ton of sleep, so it wasn’t all bad but there is nothing worse than feeling sick.

November 19, 2012

Last week was a busy week. I interviewed eight people and six of them are now new clients. Most of them said they were going to wait until after the first of the year, but they were inspired to call because I am offering 50% off my regular programs until Thanksgiving.

November 13, 2012

My favorite part of matchmaking is the interview. I never know who is going to walk through my door, what their “scores” will be, what their story will be, what I will learn from having met them. I learn something new with every person I interview.

November 8, 2012

I don’t know who is going to date in their own age range anymore. I interviewed a lady in her 40’s who said “My experience has been that men in my age range want to date younger women in their 20’s and 30’s.”

November 6, 2012

A lady I interviewed in April decided now was the right time to join Perfectly Matched. She said “The timing is better now and I appreciated the fact that you did not try to hard sell me when I told you I wanted to think about it and call you back.”

October 31, 2012

A new client was discouraged because he was interested in a second meeting with the first two ladies I matched him with, but they were not interested. One of them was concerned because he mentioned he smoked marijuana in the 70’s.

October 25, 2012

Do you believe in destiny? I do. Not only does it happen in my life, but as a Matchmaker, I am privileged to be able to share the experience when it happens to my clients.