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September 5, 2012

My Dad passed away two days ago. He was 89 and I have mentioned him many times in my daily diaries the last few years. He lived life to the fullest but it was time for him to go. I am so relieved he is out of pain and this chapter has ended. He was himself to the bitter end and never lost his sense of humor or his dignity. He died peacefully in his home under the care of hospice. I will forever miss him and always appreciate the unique and special person he was. I just wrote his obituary which I would like to share with you.

August 28, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, late 40’s, widowed, two children, educated, and her long term goal is marriage. She spent three months trying one of the online services, canceled it three months early, and called me. She had many of the same complaints I often hear about online services; time consuming, ineffective, people aren’t honest, they don’t live here and they don’t look like their pictures.

August 21, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 50’s, divorced, grown children, educated, semi retired, his long term goal is a serious relationship, and he would consider living with someone, or maintaining separate residences.

August 8, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, divorced, highly educated, grade school children, and her long term goal is marriage. I ask anyone who calls me where they heard about my service.

August 7, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 60’s, divorced, retired, and her long term goal is a serious, committed relationship, probably not marriage. She was married for almost 40 years and she is enjoying being single again. She recently moved to Colorado Springs, leaving a state where she had resided for 40 years.

August 3, 2012

My first appointment yesterday is a man, late 30’s, highly educated, retired from a 20 year military career, new to Colorado Springs, his long term goal is marriage and he prefers to have the option to have children. He moved to Colorado Springs because he trained some soldiers at Ft Carson in the 90’s, and always had it in his mind to live here when he retired. He does not know anyone in Colorado Springs. As I listened to all he has done in the last 20 years, it does not seem possible that he is not even 40 years old.

July 31, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, early 50’s, ABS (always been single) highly educated, no children, and her long term goal is marriage. Her last serious relationship ended three months ago and lasted a year and a half. There is nothing like a serious relationship to remind you how nice it is to have someone special in your life. People can be single for years and then someone comes along and captures their heart and they realize what it feels like to feel close, be connected, and they want have that again in their life.

July 28, 2012

This is an email I received from a client who joined Perfectly Matched 20 years ago: Donna, Just wanted to drop a line. My name was Shelley Putney when I met you in 1992. You introduced me to Danny Paur in 1993. We dated for 3 years and were married in 1996. Our 16th wedding anniversary is coming up next month. We have 3 beautiful children Jeni will be 14 soon, Sara is 12 and Levi is 10.

July 25, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, mid 70’s, divorced, grown children, just retired for the second time. I think it is wonderful when a man, or lady, his age is still interested in finding a mate. His long term goal is definitely to be married. He was born and raised in Kansas, and grew up on a farm. After his military career he moved to California and was a vineyard manager for twenty years. He retired for the first time and moved to Colorado and bought a farm ten years ago. This week he sold the farm, bought a new house, and joined a dating service.