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October 23, 2012

Matchmaking is a very interesting business. Since 1987 it has been my career, and I began Perfectly Matched in 1991. By the mid 90’s the online dating services became an acceptable thing to do for people who had been reluctant just a year or two before. It has forever changed the way people meet, date, and get to know one another.

October 16, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, mid 50’s, divorced, self employed, his long term goal is a serious, committed relationship, living together, or possibly marriage.

October 13, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 40’s, educated, ABS (always been single), his long term goal is marriage and children. He said “In the last few years I decided I really would like to have a child. Previously I was open to the idea, but never met the right woman.”

October 8, 2012

My first appointment is a man, late 50’s, divorced, educated, semi-retired, and his lone term goal is marriage. He is a “be back”, I interviewed him a year ago, but at that time he was not emotionally available.

October 4, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, early 30’s, divorced, educated, financially secure, and his long term goal is marriage. He has no children, and he can go either way as far as having children.

October 2, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 20’s, ABS (always been single), educated, his long term goal is marriage and children. He is very articulate and wise beyond his years. According to his “scores” he is somewhat easy going, but not a wimp, outgoing, nonconforming, affectionate, but not smothering, an atheist, and financially responsible.

September 21, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 40’s, divorced, one child in college, and her long term goal is marriage. Now that her only child is in college, she is ready to make her personal a priority and meet the right man.

September 18, 2012

I signed up four new clients last week but it was a whirlwind of a week with both of my brothers in town and all the appointments we had in reference to settling our Dad’s estate. In a nutshell, here are the basics on each of the new clients:

September 11, 2012

My first appointment is a previous client. I worked with him two years ago and he is back to purchase more matches to continue his search to find the right lady. He is early 40’s, divorced, educated, and his long term goal is marriage. He has been a busy fellow for the last two years! He went back to school, and has almost finished his Masters degree. He has a new job, and increased his income by 30%. He does not travel as much with this new job, and has more time for his personal life. He is two years further down the road from his divorce, and really ready to make his personal life a priority. He is a wonderful father and his kids are doing great.