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April 20, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, late 50’s, divorced, educated, grown children and grandchildren, semi retired, and his long term goal is a serious, committed relationship, possibly marriage.

April 19, 2012

These times, they are a changin’. I walked out of my office at 6:30 today and a young man said “Can you tell me a good place to go for happy hour?’ He was young, nicely dressed, good looking, and I knew he wasn’t going to ask me for “change”, which is something I get asked for ten times a day downtown from the homeless people.

April 17, 2012

My first appointment is a lady, late 20’s, ABS, educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She is tall and thin and beautiful. She has been reading Donna’s Daily Diary for a few months and one of the things that appeals most her about my service is that I do not show pictures when I make a match. She tried a couple of dating services online and initially she was excited about what might happen.

April 14, 2012

My first appointment today is a man, early 30’s, ABS (always been single), educated, has a great job, owns his home, his long term goal is marriage and children. He is a referral from a man who was a client at Perfectly Matched ten years ago.

April 11, 2012

I met with the two men from the new ad agency I am working with for about three hours yesterday and I am very excited about their ideas for marketing Perfectly Matched. It is interesting when I try to explain myself and my business to someone else. It has also been a real eye opener to visit the websites of other dating and matchmaking services to see how they are different from mine.

April 10, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, mid 40’s, separated, almost divorced, she is interested in friendship and companionship, and eventually a serious relationship. She has a very amicable separation and they share custody of their children.

April 3, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, early 40’s, divorced, educated, self employed, and her long term is a serious relationship, possibly marriage. Grrrrrrr, it has been a few months since I have interviewed a cougar, but she definitely fits the description. Her age preference for a man is 30 to 35 and her last serious relationship was with a man who was 12 years younger than her. The relationship lasted several years but they had an incompatible long term goal because he wants to have children and she does not.

March 27, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, 30, ABS, highly educated, her long term goal is marriage and children. She is tall, extremely fit, and healthy. The right man for her would be very self confident and not threatened by a woman who is physically strong and also very self confident.

March 22, 2012

My first appointment today is a lady, late 30’s, divorced, educated, her long term goal is marriage. She has been divorced for over 10 years and ended a long term relationship a year ago.